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Конфиги Бота

attackSkillSlot Bowling Bash {
lvl 10
sp > 22
aggressives >= 3
maxUses 2
useSelf_skill Twohand Quicken {
lvl 10
sp > 50
whenStatusInactive Twohand Quicken
onAction attack
attackSkillSlot Bash {
lvl 10
dist 1.5
sp > 30
aggressives > 1
inLockOnly 1
notInTown 0
attackSkillSlot Magnum Break {
lvl 10
dist 1.5
sp > 30
aggressives > 4
inLockOnly 1
notInTown 0
useSelf_skill Endure {
lvl 10
sp > 10
whenStatusInactive Endure
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
useSelf_skill Auto Guard {
lvl 1
whenStatusInactive Auto Guard
stopWhenHit 1
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
useSelf_skill Cure {
lvl 1
whenStatusActive Blinded
maxUses 1
useSelf_skill Parrying {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Parrying
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
attackSkillSlot Grand Cross {
lvl 10
inLockOnly 1
disabled 0
isSelfSkill 1
hp > 45%
sp > 20%
useSelf_skill Aura Blade {
lvl 5
sp > 80%
whenStatusInactive Aura Blade
inLockOnly 1
disabled 0
attackSkillSlot Spiral Pierce {
lvl 5
sp > 25%
disabled 0
inLockOnly 1
attackSkillSlot Provoke{
lvl 10
sp >10
maxUses 1
inLockOnly 1
timeout 10
attackSkillSlot Pierce {
lvl 10
dist 1..3
sp > 10
inLockOnly 1
timeout 5
attackSkillSlot Brandish Spear {
lvl 10
dist 1..3
sp >10
aggressives >= 2
timeout 5


attackSkillSlot Envenom {
lvl 10
dist 1.5
sp > 20
aggressives 5
inLockOnly 1
target_whenStatusInactive Poisoned
attackSkillSlot Steal {
lvl 10
dist 1.5
sp > 20
maxUses 1
maxAttempts 10
useSelf_skill Hiding {
lvl 10
sp > 20
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
useSelf_skill Enchant Poison {
lvl 10
sp > 20
whenStatusInactive Enchant Poison
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 165
disabled 0
attackSkillSlot Soul Breaker {
lvl 10
sp > 10%
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notInTown 1
disabled 0
maxAttempts 0
attackSkillSlot Meteor Assault {
lvl 10
sp > 10%
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notInTown 1
timeout 0
disabled 0
aggressives >= 5
isSelfSkill 1
useSelf_skill Enchant Deadly Poison {
lvl 5
whenStatusInactive Enchant Deadly Poison
notInTown 1
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
disabled 0
inInventory Deadly Poison Bottle > 0
useSelf_skill Detoxify {
lvl 1
whenStatusActive Poisoned
disabled 0
useSelf_skill Reject Sword {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Reject Sword
inLockOnly 1
disabled 0


useSelf_skill Improve Concentration {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Improve Concentration
onAction attack
attackSkillSlot Double Strafe {
lvl 10
dist 10
sp > 5
inLockOnly 1
notInTown 0
attackSkillSlot Arrow Shower {
lvl 10
dist 7
sp > 5
aggressives >3
inLockOnly 1
notInTown 0
useSelf_item Type Arrow Quiver {
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0.7
disabled 0
inInventory Type Arrow <= 10
useSelf_skill True Sight {
lvl 10
sp > 20
whenStatusInactive True Sight
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1
timeout 0
useSelf_skill Wind Walk {
lvl 10
sp > 95
whenStatusInactive Wind Walk
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
timeout 0
useSelf_item Stone Arrow Quiver {
inInventory Stone Arrow < 50
useSelf_item Fire Arrow Quiver {
inInventory Fire Arrow < 50
useSelf_item Silver Arrow Quiver {
inInventory Silver Arrow < 50
useSelf_item Arrow Quiver {
inInventory Arrow < 50
attackSkillSlot Arrow Vulcan {
lvl 10
sp > 25%
disabled 0
inLockOnly 1
attackSkillSlot Arrow Repel {
lvl 1
dist 3
sp >= 15
onAction attack
notInTown 1


useSelf_skill Heal {
lvl 10
hp < 50
sp > 10
useSelf_skill Increase AGI {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Increase AGI
sp > 10
timeout 5
useSelf_skill Blessing {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Blessing
sp > 10
timeout 5
attackSkillSlot Infiltration {
lvl 10
dist 2
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
spirit >0
timeout 0
disabled 0
maxAttempts 0
maxUses 0
attackSkillSlot Finger Offensive {
lvl 10
dist 10
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
spirit 5
timeout 2
disabled 0
maxAttempts 0
maxUses 0
attackSkillSlot Extremity Fist {
lvl 10
dist 2
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
whenStatusActive Vigor Explosion
spirit 5
timeout 0
disabled 0
maxAttempts 3
maxUses 1
attackComboSlot Chain Combo {
lvl 5
afterSkill Triple Attack
autoCombo 1
#NOTE: autoCombo will only work with The CVS version!
dist 1.5
isSelfSkill 1
attackComboSlot Combo Finish {
lvl 5
afterSkill Chain Combo
autoCombo 1
#NOTE: autoCombo will only work with The CVS version!
dist 1.5
isSelfSkill 1
useSelf_skill Vigor Condensation {
lvl 10
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
spirit <5
aggressives <1
#remove aggressives if you want to cast it when it's attacking
stopWhenHit 1
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
disabled 0
useSelf_skill Steel Body {
lvl 10
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
whenStatusInactive Steel Body
spirit 5
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
disabled 0
useSelf_skill Vigor Explosion {
lvl 10
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
whenStatusInactive Vigor Explosion
spirit 5
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 0
notInTown 0
disabled 0
attackComboSlot Tiger Knuckle Fist {
lvl 5
afterSkill Combo Finish
autoCombo 1
#NOTE: autoCombo will only work with The CVS version!
dist 1.5
isSelfSkill 1
attackComboSlot Chain Crush Combo {
lvl 5
afterSkill Tiger Knuckle Fist
autoCombo 1
#NOTE: autoCombo will only work with The CVS version!
dist 1.5
isSelfSkill 1
useSelf_skill Dangerous Soul Collect {
lvl 10
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
spirit <1
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 0
disabled 0
attackSkillSlot Palm Push Strike {
lvl 10
dist 2
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
whenStatusActive Vigor Explosion
timeout 0
disabled 0
maxAttempts 0
maxUses 0
useSelf_skill Assumptio {
lvl 5
sp > 20%
whenStatusInactive Assumptio
stopWhenHit 1
disabled 0
notInTown 1
useSelf_skill Pneuma {
defendMonsters Raydric Archer, Gargoyle
lvl 1
whenNotGround Pneuma
timeout 1

battle Merchant/Blacksmith

useSelf_skill Crazy Uproar {
lvl 1
whenStatusInactive Crazy Uproar
onAction attack
useSelf_skill Adrenaline Rush {
lvl 5
whenStatusInactive Adrenaline Rush
onAction attack
useSelf_skill Power-Thrust {
lvl 5
whenStatusInactive Power-Thrust
onAction attack
attackSkillSlot Cart Revolution {
lvl 1
dist 1
maxCastTime 0
minCastTime 0
sp > 10% # this limit or enables the use of cart revo.
aggressives >= 3 # it's up to you how many agrresive before he will use cart revo
stopWhenHit 0
inLockOnly 0
notInTown 1
maxUses 5 # limits the use of cart revo. But it's not really required
useSelf_skill Cart Boost {
lvl 1
whenStatusInactive Cart Boost
sp >= 10%
useSelf_skill Potion Pitcher{
lvl 4
hp < 60
sp > 10
inInventory White Potion
useSelf_skill Potion Pitcher{
lvl 3
hp < 50
sp > 10
inInventory Yellow Potion
useSelf_skill Potion Pitcher{
lvl 2
hp < 40
sp > 10
inInventory Orange Potion
useSelf_skill Potion Pitcher{
lvl 1
hp < 30
sp > 10
inInventory Red Potion
useSelf_skill Weapon Perfection {
lvl 5
whenStatusInactive Weapon Perfection
onAction attack
useSelf_skill Maximum Power Thrust {
lvl 5
whenStatusInactive Maximum Power Thrust
onAction attack
useSelf_skill Meltdown {
lvl 10
whenStatusInactive Meltdown
onAction attack

attackSkillSlot Hammer Fall {
lvl 5
onAction attack
maxUses 1
maxAttempts 5
target_WhenStatusInactive Stunned


attackSkillSlot Storm Gust {
lvl 4
sp > 10%
aggressives > 1
equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
equip_rightAccessory Glove [Phen] [1]
isSelfSkill 1
attackSkillSlot Napalm Beat {
lvl 1
dist 7
sp > 10%
monsters poring,drops,poporing
equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
equip_rightAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
attackSkillSlot Quagmire {
lvl 2
dist 10
sp > 10%
monsters Argiope
maxAttempts 2
maxUses 1
target_whenNotGround Quagmire
target_whenStatusInactive Frozen
equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
equip_rightAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
attackSkillSlot Frost Diver {
lvl 10
dist 10
sp > 10%
monsters Argiope,Argos
target_whenStatusInactive Frozen
equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
equip_rightAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
attackSkillSlot Jupitel Thunder {
lvl 2
dist 10
sp > 10%
maxUses 1
monsters Argiope
target_whenStatusActive Frozen
equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
equip_rightAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
attackSkillSlot Fire Bolt {
lvl 4
dist 10
sp > 10%
monsters mantis
equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
equip_rightAccessory Glove [Phen] [1]
attackSkillSlot Lord of Vermilion {
lvl 10
sp > 10%
equip_leftAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
equip_rightAccessory Glove [Zerom] [1]
isSelfSkill 1
aggressives > 3
whenAllAggressiveFrozen 1
attackSkillSlot Water Ball {
lvl 5
dist 9
sp > 10%
notMonsters Hydra
whenWater 1

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: aXel-Ro (25.02.2007)
Просмотров: 18831 | Комментарии: 39 | Рейтинг: 3.1 |

Всего комментариев: 181 2 »
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1-10 11-18
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